सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

Account and Records under G S T Accounts and Records

Every Registered person is required to keep and maintain all record at his principal place of business. 
Who maintain accounts under GST ?, 
It is the responsibility of the following persons to maintain specified records-

  • The owner / Operator of warehouse or godown or any other place used for storage of goods.
  • Every transporter.
  • Every registered person whose turnover during a financial year exceeds the prescribed limit (2 crore) will get his accounts audited by a chartered accountant or a cost accountant.
What records must be maintained under GST ?
Every registered person must maintain records of - 
  • Production or manufacture of goods. 
  • Inward and outward supply of goods or services or both (Purchase and Sales Register). 
  • Stock of goods (Inventory Register), 
  • Input tax credit availed (Electronic Credit Ledger), 
  • Output tax payable and paid (Electronic Liability and Electronic Cash Ledger) and 
  • Other particulars as may be prescribed Records Information Required to kept on that place.
Account should contain detail of goods manufactured in a factory or production house. Every Assesses carrying out manufacturing activity.
Purchase Register:- All the purchases made within a tax period for manufacturing of goods or provision of services all by all Assesses.

Sales Register :- Account of all the sales made within a tax period must be maintained by all assesses.

Stock Register :- This register should contain a correct stock of inventory available at any given point of time.

Input Tax Credit Availed :- This register should maintain the details of Input Tax Credit Availed for a given tax period of GST liability outstanding to be adjusted against input credit or paid out directly .

Output Tax Paid Register :- This register should maintain the details of GST paid for a particular tax period.

Other Records :- Specified Government can further specify by way of a notification, additional records and accounts to be maintained Specific Businesses as notified by the government.

Electronic Cash and Credit Ledger :- Every registered taxpayer will have 3 ledgers under GST which will be generated automatically at the time of registration and will be maintained electronically.

Electronic Cash Ledger :- This ledger will serve as an electronic wallet. The taxpayer will have to deposit money into his cash ledger (add money to the wallet). The money will be utilized to make the payment. 

Electronic Credit Ledger :- The input tax credit on purchases will be reflected here under three categories i.e. IGST, CGST & SGST.

The taxpayer will be able to utilize the balance shown in this account only for payment of tax (not for interest, penalty etc.).

E-Liability Ledger :- This ledger will show the total tax liability of a taxpayer after netting off for the month. This ledger will be auto-populated.

Period for Retention of Accounts under GST :- 

As per the GST Act, every registered taxable person must maintain the accounts books and records for at least 72 months (6 years). The period will be counted from the last date of filing of Annual Return for that year. The last date of filing the Annual return is 31st December of the following year. For example: For the year 2017-2018, the due date of filing the annual return is 31.12.2018. The books & records of 2017-2018 must be maintained for 6 years, i.e., 31.12.2023 If the taxpayer is a part of any proceedings before any authority (First Appellate) or is under investigation, then he must maintain the books for 1 year after the order of such proceedings/appeal has been passed.

Consequences of Not Maintaining Proper Records:- If the taxpayer fails to maintain proper records in respect of goods/services, then the proper officer shall treat such unaccounted goods/services as if the taxpayer had supplied them. The officer will determine the tax liability on such unaccounted goods. The taxable person will be required to pay the tax liability calculated along with penalty. 

Disclaimer:- The contents of this document are solely for informational purpose. It does not constitute professional advice. Neither the authors accepts any liabilities for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of any information in this document nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

GST data and Cost Records Annexures to be maintained :- 

Annexures to be maintained as per the headings of Customs Tariff Headings: Four Digit Level or Eight Digit Level MCA has issued one notification issued on 20th Dec 2017 which is going to pave the way for alignment of Cost Records with GST records after the implementation of GST. 
The Companies Cost Records & Audit Rules 2014 (CCRAR) earlier referred to CETA whereas in the GST regime, presently most of the chapters of Central Excise Act do not exist except for few Chapters. Now with the issue of the notification on 20th Dec 2017, the CETA Headings have been replaced with Customs Tariff headings (Refer Extract 1) It also needs mention that 'heading', in respect of goods, means a description in list of tariff provisions accompanied by a four-digit number and includes all sub-headings of tariff items the first four-digits of which correspond to that number and tariff item means a description of goods in the list of tariff provisions accompanying eight-digit number.  

A question is being raised by different quarters that whether the cost data is required to be maintained at four-digit level (heading) or at eight-digit level (tariff item). 
It needs mention that for the year 2016-17, the costing data was required to be maintained at eight-digit level of CETA. Also, the revised business rules for XBRL had mandated eight-digit codes. The concerned rule reads like 'The concatenated "CETA Code of Manufactured Product" and 'Subheading of CETA Code' shall be a valid 8-digit CETA code'. Under the GST regime also the maintenance of cost records may be kept at eight-digit level and reporting at four-digit level. For the 2017-18, the data to be reported to MCA will be from two different indirect tax regimes, April 2017 to June 2017 from Excise/VAT and from July 2017 to Mar 2018 from GST regime. The back up of the data need to be kept separately and then consolidated for the purpose of reporting to Ministry of Corporate Affairs under CCRAR 2014, wherever applicable. 
One need not forget that any organization dealing in export or import is required to keep the data at eight-digit level as per the Customs Tariff Act. Under GST for the sake of convenience initially, the government may have allowed the data to be maintained at four-digit level, but in future GST authorities may ask for the data at the eight-digit level as the reference to the Customs Tariff has been made in the GST notifications. 
Suggestion: The companies which have to follow Companies Cost Records and Audit Rules 2014 are required to maintain the data at the product level and then at tariff heading level for reporting to MCA, these companies should keep maintaining the data at Eight Digit Level also. GST regime also referred to Customs Tariff Act as given below (Extract 2) for the purpose of imposition of rates on various types of commodities.  Though, the GST rates notification have shown four digits and GST rates have been mentioned at the four-digit levels i.e. headings but it needs mention that a reference to the 'Tariff item', 'sub-heading' 'heading' and 'Chapter' has also been made in the same notification and Extract 1: Extract of Notification no. G.S.R. 1526(E). dated 20th Dec 2017 issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs is given below: 

In the Companies (cost records and audit) Rules, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as the principal rules), in rule 2, for clause (aa) the following clause shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have been substituted with effect from the 1st day of July, 2017, namely:- (aa) 'Customs Tariff Act Heading' means the heading as referred to in the Additional Notes in the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975). 3. In the principal rules, in rule 3, for the words 'Central Excise Tariff Act Heading', occurring at both the places, the words 'Customs Tariff Act Heading' shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have been substituted with effect from the 1st day of July, 2017. 
In the principal rules, in the Annexure, in Form CRA-2, Form CRA-3 and Form CRA-4, for the words 'CETA Heading', wherever it occurs, the words 'CTA Heading' shall be substituted and shall be deemed to have been substituted with effect from the 1st day of July, 2017. Extract 2: Extracts from Notification No.1/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate) New Delhi, the 28th June, 2017 & Notification No.1/2017-Central Tax (Rate) New Delhi, the 28th June, 2017 (iii) 'Tariff item', 'sub-heading' 'heading' and 'Chapter' shall mean respectively a tariff item, sub-heading, heading and chapter as specified in the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975). (iv) The rules for the interpretation of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), including the Section and Chapter Notes and the General Explanatory Notes of the First Schedule shall, so far as may be, apply to the interpretation of this notification. 2. This notification shall come into force with effect from the 1st day of July, 2017. Explanatory/Additional Notes of the First Schedule of The Customs Tariff Act The Additional Notes in the First Schedule of The Customs Tariff Act 1975, explains the different terms as follows: (a) 'heading', in respect of goods, means a description in list of tariff provisions accompanied by a four-digit number and includes all sub-headings of tariff items the first four-digits of which correspond to that number; (b) 'sub-heading', in respect of goods, means a description in the list of tariff provisions accompanied by a six-digit number and includes all tariff items the first six-digits of which correspond to that number; (c) 'tariff item' means a description of goods in the list of tariff provisions accompanying eight-digit number and the rate of customs duty;


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

मोबाइल से आमदनी कैसे करे ( Income from Mobile)

दोस्तो, आज के दौर मे युवा अपने समय की कीमत जानते है, इसलिए वो अपने खाली समय का भी सदुपयोग करना चाहते है,  और वो इस खाली समय के सदुपयोग के लिए पार्ट टाइम जाॅब ढुढते है, लेकिन वह मिलना मुश्किल होता है। तब हमारा ध्यान अपने मोबाइल पर जाता है। हमे पता है कि मोबाइल पर काफी एप्प मौजूद है। जो हमे मोबाइल से आमदनी करने का अवसर दे सकते है। इंटरनेट पर हमे आसाानी से अच्छीआमदनी करनी है तो हमे नीचे दिए गए एप्प से एफिलिएट मार्केटिंग करनी चाहिए।  यहा पर उन एप्प की चर्चा करने जा रहे है, जिससे हमे त्वरित आमदनी शुरु हो सके. यहाँ पर में उन App के बारे में बताऊँगा जिसको मैंने खुद इस्तेमाल किया है और जिससे मैंने खुद Earning की है , तो देर किस बात की है , आप निचे दिए हुए App को देखे और जो आपको अच्छा लगे उसे Join कर ले , ये सभी App फ्री है और आपको तुरंत पैसे देने वाले है - EARNKARO  - सबसे बेहतरीन एप्प , Affiliate Marketing के लिए आदर्श जगह , यह एप्प आपको कमाने के असीमित अवसर प्रदान करता है।  इसको ज्वाइन करने के लिए निचे दिए लिंक पर क्लिक करे -  JOIN EARN KARO APP आप इस एप्प के माध्यम...

टैली का इतिहास (History of Tally Software)

दोस्तो, आओ टैली सीखे के सीरीज में हम सबसे पहले पढ़ते है- टैली का इतिहास। क्योकि हम जिस भी विषय के बारे मे जानकारी रखना चाहते है, तो सबसे पहले उसके इतिहास के बारे में जानकारी लेते है।  हम भी यहाँ Tally के सफर मे शुरुआत से लेकर आज तक के Tally के उत्थान व विकास की यात्रा की जानकारी लेते है।   Tally software के प्रदाता है - Tally Solutions Enterprises Resources Planning Company. इसकी शुरुआत आज से करीब तीन दशक पूर्व होती है जब मि. श्याम सुन्दर गोयनका जी कलकत्ता से बंगलोर अपना टेक्सटाइल का बिज़नेस स्थापित करने को जाते है , उस वक्त व्यवसाय करते हुए उन्हें एकाउंटिंग सॉफ्टवेयर की आवश्यकता  हुई , परन्तु उस वक्त के अधिकांश सॉफ्टवेयर उनकी उम्मीदों पर खरे नहीं उतरे।  इस कारण  से उन्होंने अपने बेटे मि. भरत  गोयनका  जो की मैथमेटिक्स में ग्रेजुएट थे , को एकाउंटिंग सॉफ्टवेयर को डेवलप करने का कार्य सौपा , और इस तरह वर्ष 1986 में Tally solution का जन्म हुआ।  भरत गोयनका जी ने पहले अपने सॉफ्टवेयर का नाम रक्खा था - Peutronics financial Accountant और उन्होंने ...

इंटरनेट से आमदनी करने के आसान तरीके ( On line paise kaise kamaye)

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